Characteristics of a Genius Part I

1. Vision
This characteristic of genius concerns how clear and compelling the genius' vision of their life's chief goal is. Geniuses formulate very clear and precise inner pictures of what they want to accomplish, how they will do it, and the success they achieve. If you want to develop this genius character trait, get in touch with your main values, your life purpose, and forge an exciting and fulfilling ambition to work towards. Keep working to become clearer and more specific about it. Put 100% of your passion into it.

Example: Muhammad Ali, boxing genius, and his powerful vision of himself as The Greatest.

What John F. Kennedy had said about education....

"Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength of the nation." -- John F. Kennedy.....

Thinking creates a better world....

This blog aims to provide the necessary knowledge, skills, and strategies to both educators and parents to nurture the growth of thinking skills, more importantly the higher-order thinking skills among their students and their children. it is important to note that everyone is capable of thinking, but almost everyone has to be encouraged, taught, and assisted in the higher-order thinking processes. These higher-order thinking skills are teachable and learnable.